- Railway Infrastructure works
- MRTS System Design
- Detail Project Report
- Feasibility Study Report
- Project Management
- Private Freight Terminal (PFT)
- Investment in Railway
- Survey, Design & Detail Engineering
- Construction Management
- Rehabilitation of bridges
- Design of P.Way including formation
- Planning and Design of Housing projects
- Railway OHE design and planning
- Railway OHE construction Management
- HT & LT works including substation
- Power supply design and planning for underground and over ground Metro
- Third Rail Design for MRTS Metro system
- Design of SCADA
- Design and Planning railway signals
- Signal system of underground and over ground Metro
- Planning and design of Telecom. System for Railway projects and Metro projects.
- Consultancy on Rolling Stock maintenance
- Planning and design of wagon fabrication factories
- Selection of Rolling Stock and procurement of rakes
- Vender Product development
- Workshop Planning and layout design
- Preparation of Technical specification of Rolling Stock, Machinery and Plants including Inspection schedules / QAP.
- Planning & Design of Diesel Loco shed, MEMU etc.
- Planning & Design of Workshop modernisation.
- Metro Railway system design, planning & DPR
- Metro Railway Car Depot & maintenance depot cleaning
- Power supply design, drawing, planning for Metro system.
- Ballast less track design, drawing & planning
- Detail design of 3rd rail, current collection system for Metro Railway.
- Power supply design and planning for underground and over ground Metro system.
- Training of personnel on Railway working in the fields of Rolling stocks, signalling, Railway electrification and Track Technology.
- Construction of Railway Infrastructure for Civil, P.Way, OHE and S&T.